Course Overview

A 30-day course that will guide and inspire you to live an intentional life focused on what matters. 

Decluttering your mind of negative belief patterns and self-talk is the foundation to a simple life.

A cluttered home increases stress and distraction in your life. Removing the clutter leads to a meaningful life focused on your values.

Focusing on the essentials and saying no to the rest creates an intentional life.

Simplicity nourishes your soul. It gives you space and time to go inward and learn who you really are.

Simplifying your digital life increases your ability to be present and intentional. 

A simpler life leads to more productivity and allows you to tap into your creative mind.

Here’s what people are saying:

“Julia knows her stuff. As someone who's intentionally embraced a simpler life, she gives sound, practical advice for anyone looking to live a less-is-more lifestyle. This course goes beyond decluttering the physical aspects of our lives and delves into the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of minimalism. If you're looking to simplify your life and want a clear, step-by-step guide to get there, you've found it!”

- Rose Lounsbury, bestselling author of Less: Minimalism for Real and Simplicity Coach

“Julia’s course goes beyond just decluttering your stuff. Her creative approach helps shift your mindset away from acquiring more. The course is action driven and will guide you to meet your goals. I highly recommend this course!“

- David Nurse, bestselling author of Pivot & Go and Life Optimization Coach

When you sign up, you will receive:

  • Lifetime access to complete 30-day course, which you complete at your own pace.
  • Daily readings to inspire and educate (many readings include research based findings and statistics to support the benefits of simple living). 
  • Daily action steps/challenges to make your goals happen (including guided decluttering challenges). 
  • VIP discount on all future courses.

Sign up today and begin designing a simple, intentional life. A life focused on what matters.